Sunday, March 23, 2008


Often thought of commenting on this topic. Several times one gets to hear phrases like "Thanks man you saved me!!!!!", or, "WOW!!! man that was awesome you are too good!!!". Not by any chance me (i get to hear things like mandan(idiot), stupid very often........).All of us to a very large extent strive to hear remarks of the above mentioned genre always.........
Satisifaction is a very important ingrediant to happiness which is essentially for what we are striving for. What more satisfaction can someone like me get. Let me narrate:
Periodical gonna come in a weeks time .....people busily munching those printed words and letters which remained an illusion lest for this week when an average ASEan transforms himself from a state of not knowing anything to having conquered the hill and burden of the syllabus even trying to disagree with Bender Schmidt or Parseval while doing so. Me had to go to collage to room no SF8 which in itself is a big story on a sunday. Anyway consider that as a waste of a day ( the second last week end b4 exams). Now the D-week on the run. Sitting in the train many of us realise the value of time( counting possibly the 9192631770 periods of transition between the two hyperfine levels of Cesium 133 atom). The journey every day from Palakkad early in the morning (train at 6:15) to coming back at (6:30) now seems to be a big waste of time. Saying so we now curse ourselves but put in some time for the exams. But the greatest truth is that it is essentially the 2 days before the exam(sat and sun) which normally are holidays that save us from the many problems which might arise otherwise........
Studying for atleast 6 hours these days are a ritual that we normally do(atleast 6 hrs .... but for some of my friends even the whole day)
Anyway after that we now pray for some paper wherein atleast something that we have studied would come.............
Often not heard but we still do regularly pray( God is in itself someone whom me see then).
Exams come........
head scratching.......pen twisting........pencil sharpening.......calculator tormenting all.......
After these so called exams ...................
hah!!!! sigh of relief(from what i have no idea)..........
as long as marks dont come we retain the tempo.........

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