It has been a really long time since I could get myself to blog. The period since I began performing my MSc. research thesis to now has been a story of mixed emotions. Briefly put, an extremely ambitious, challenging yet enjoyable experience. However, looking back at what I did might make me feel like I did absolutely nothing even worth mentioning. This would however be paradoxical to that period and the very act of doing. If I were to further interpolate to the period of joining my MSc., when people who would graduate seemed like angels/ gods. However, myself being on that stage, being awarded that degree seemed like a dream for just a few minutes. The next day even the sun god decided to shine light as always (without skipping even a breath!), the earth continued to revolve and rotate (much to the agony of the child in me!). Nothing really changed, neither me, nor the outside world!
However, if I remained unchanged it would be a total blasphemy to the degree I earned. So, maybe I did learn something. On the contrary, If I were to ask myself what I learnt, I would certainly have to think before I answer.
I would have to say:
- I learnt that education is a never ending tool. The only moment one actually stops educating oneself is in the death bed.
- I learnt that human beings in spite of their zillion similarities tend to focus on the minutest of differences so as to claim themselves being different or to create problems.
- I learnt that no human being can be higher or lower than anyone. No one deserves more respect or less respect.
- I learnt that things can suddenly go completely wrong even on no wrong doing from one's side. It can be frightening to know that you can't do anything about it also. A little light in the dark tunnel would be to muster courage and keep going ahead.
- I learnt that every university/organization believes that it is the best in the world. This ego could be a major boost for people to do an excellent job. But in reality none of this is true.
- I learnt that I understand very little things and the day I unsubscribe to this thought would be the time mentioned in (1).
- I learnt that the greatest thing a human being can ask for is not being "Smart" or being "Industrious" or being "Great", but being "Wise". Wisdom to me is the single most greatest thing a human being can achieve. It definitely builds up with age and experience. As much as I believe this, I pray that I take wise decisions in life.